Carmel’s Artesian Well
Flowing Well has provided water to the local area for over 200 years! It was discovered in 1800 and donated for public use in 1926. Flowing Well Park’s artesian well has been an attraction for local Hamilton County residents and has drawn visitors from around the world.
Have you ever wondered what an artesian well really is? Let’s break it down. Wells can be artesian or non-artesian. In the simplest terms artesian wells don’t require a pump. The term “artesian” means that the groundwater is under enough pressure to rise naturally to the surface, kind of like a fountain. It can provide a constant supply of water with little to no pumping.
For generations, park goers have collected water from the artesian well in Flowing Well Park. Some even claim it’s the best water in Carmel!
For Carmel Clay Parks & Recreation, safety is the number one priority. It’s important to remember that the water from Flowing Well is ground water and can be affected by a variety of factors. We are mandated by the Indiana Department of Health (IDEM) to test the water from the well every quarter to monitor the water. However, due to the popularity of the well we opt to test the water monthly to ensure the safety of our park goers.
When tests indicate positive for either total coliform or E.coli, we take it very seriously and follow regulations outlined by IDEM. This includes re-testing the water if results show total coliform positive, or closing immediately if a positive result shows for E.coli. Regardless, a disinfection process is implemented until the results indicate the water is safe to drink.
The water from the well is not purified. It is the natural water directly from the aquifer. To ensure your own safety when drinking/consuming water from the well, we suggest you always do the following:
- Use a sterile container to collect the water.
- Boil water prior to drinking it.
- Please respect the closure signage and barricades when the well is closed.
For more information about Flowing Well, click here.
You can also watch this informational video from Brittany McAdams, our natural resources coordinator, that was posted earlier this year for #WorldWaterDay.
Video Play ButtonWorld Water Day