Tips for a Happy Heart

Yoga participant in a heart-open pose during class at the MCC.

Fitness & Wellness Supervisor Shannon Strzynski shares ways to focus on your heart health 

The month of February is filled with flowers, candy, and other heartfelt rituals that make our loved ones feel special. While Valentine’s Day traditionally focuses on sharing love with others, it’s also a time to focus some of that positivity on ourselves. Try indulging in self-love this Valentine’s Day – and beyond! Today we’re sharing easy heart health tips to implement in your day-to-day routine.

A general web search will tell you heart disease is the number one killer in the United States. Some of this may be genetic, but there are several areas relating to heart health that remain in our control. We know the heart is a vital organ. It circulates oxygen and nutrient-rich blood throughout the body. When it’s not working properly, just about everything is affected. The good news is there are simple steps you can take to help make your heart happy!

Move More

Moving your body is so important when it comes to heart health. Slowly add some movement to your life by taking a walk every day. One of my all-time favorite spots is Central Park. Are you looking for something a bit more challenging? Try one of our 100+ weekly group fitness classes.

Give Yourself a Lift

Hit the gym! Lifting weights can help improve overall heart function while helping to keep your muscles toned and strong.

You Are What You Eat (And Drink)

Eat your fruits and veggies. Skip the fat and cholesterol with nourishing, healthy snacks! Calories also hide in our beverages. Watch your intake of sugary drinks and alcohol.

Breathe Deeply and Count Your Wins

Heart Opening Yoga pose in MCC EastBreathing slowly and deeply can help you relax and can even reduce blood pressure. Additionally, start tapping into the positive energy of counting your wins. Reduce negative feelings, anger, and stress. Use these new techniques in one of our yoga classes.

Don’t skip a beat this February! Start caring for your heart now using some of these helpful tips. 

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