Member Spotlight: Gary H.

MCC Member Gary works out with the Silver Sneakers class.

Gary H. found a fitness routine at the MCC, custom-fit to his needs 

Gary H. is a Marion County resident, but he found himself using many services in Carmel. Now as a  Monon Community Center (MCC) member, he can add fitness to that list.
“Before I became a member, I visited Central Park a few times and started taking my dog for walks on the trails,” Gary said. “I’d heard of the wellness part of the MCC from friends in the years before COVID, but only started to check it out online in the past year.” MCC Member Gary works out with Silver Sneakers classmates.
Gary retired last year at the age of 72. That’s when he decided to gain more control over his health. He’d never had much interest in fitness, so he was surprised to find that the more he exercised, the better he felt – both physically and mentally.  
“Like so many people during the last couple of years with the COVID shutdown/stay-in, I had gained weight. I worked to lose weight and as I got slimmer, I found that I felt like exercising more – needing the activity and stimulation for both my body and my brain.” 
Gary was a bit intimidated by the equipment in the MCC fitness center, but he quickly discovered several group fitness classes that fit his needs.  
“I started with classes such as Silver Sneakers® and Yoga. I also joined some of the indoor and outdoor aqua classes like Water Walking in the lazy river at The Waterpark in the summer. I have loved them all. I guess the social group activities fit my personality best.” MCC Member Gary does jumping jacks during a group fitness class.
Gary says that the MCC group fitness classes are perfect for older folks who can’t work out at the same level as they could when they were younger, but still want to keep fit.  
“All of these activities have been great for me as I have issues related to arthritis in my knees and can’t do exercises like I might have when I was 40 or 50. Whether I’m attending classes or walking the outdoor trails with my dog, I enjoy my time at the MCC. It offers so much more than any other health facility in the area.” 
The Monon Community Center can help you improve yourself no matter your age or prior exercise experience. It’s time to find a fitness routine, custom-fit to your needs. Buy a membership today!  

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